[1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1 0000855]: Tiny wording clarifications on "the" versus "a" startup file
Austin Group Bug Tracker
2014-07-04 15:05:04 UTC
The following issue has been SUBMITTED.
Reported By: steffen
Assigned To:
Project: 1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1
Issue ID: 855
Category: Shell and Utilities
Type: Enhancement Request
Severity: Editorial
Priority: normal
Status: New
Name: steffen
User Reference:
Section: Vol. 3, mailx
Page Number: 2910, 2915
Line Number: 96076, 96280-96284, (96278)
Interp Status: ---
Final Accepted Text:
Date Submitted: 2014-07-04 15:05 UTC
Last Modified: 2014-07-04 15:05 UTC
Summary: Tiny wording clarifications on "the" versus "a"
startup file
The latter paragraph uses several different forms of referring to a startup
file, of which there are potentially multiple, i.e., plural. This
intermixed usage irritates a little bit because when in this context the
singular "the" is used one may think it refers to a specific "the" (most
likely the unspecified system global one).

Ditto the former uses the term "the" but effectively means the users own
startup-file, which should also be adjusted given that that term is used in
other places, too.
Desired Action:
Change, p. 2910, l. 96076:

Determine the pathname of the start-up file.


Determine the pathname of the user start-up file.

Change, p. 2915, l. 96280+

The following commands shall be invalid in the start-up file: !, edit,
hold, mail, preserve, reply, Reply, shell, visual, Copy, followup, and
Followup. Any errors in the start-up file shall either cause mailx to
terminate with a diagnostic message and a non-zero status or to continue
after writing a diagnostic message, ignoring the remainder of the lines in
the start-up file.


The following commands shall be invalid in a start-up file: !, edit,
hold, mail, preserve, reply, Reply, shell, visual, Copy, followup, and
Followup. Any errors in a start-up file shall either cause mailx to
terminate with a diagnostic message and a non-zero status or to continue
after writing a diagnostic message, ignoring the remainder of the lines in
the file.

Finally i would prefer to change, on p. 2915, l. 96278:

5. Process the start-up file of mailx commands named in the user
MAILRC variable.


5. Process the user start-up file of mailx commands named in the
MAILRC variable.

Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-04 15:05 steffen New Issue
2014-07-04 15:05 steffen Name => steffen
2014-07-04 15:05 steffen Section => Vol. 3, mailx
2014-07-04 15:05 steffen Page Number => 2910, 2915
2014-07-04 15:05 steffen Line Number => 96076, 96280-96284,