Austin Group Bug Tracker
2014-08-12 09:43:27 UTC
The following issue has been SUBMITTED.
Reported By: antoinel
Assigned To:
Project: 1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1
Issue ID: 866
Category: Shell and Utilities
Type: Enhancement Request
Severity: Editorial
Priority: normal
Status: New
Name: Antoine Leca
User Reference:
Section: make
Page Number: 2928
Line Number: 96368
Interp Status: ---
Final Accepted Text:
Date Submitted: 2014-08-12 09:43 UTC
Last Modified: 2014-08-12 09:43 UTC
Summary: No precedence between include lines and macro
The Standard does not prescribe an order of evaluation between include
lines and macro definitions. Furthermore, various implementations chose
distinct interpretations for
Given the low actual usefulness of such a construct, it does not seem
important to try to choose between interpretations (which would
automatically render the other half of the implementations theoretically
not conforming.) Rather, we could suggest workarounds to let applications
avoid the pitfall.
Desired Action:
Add a new paragraph to RATIONALE after P2928, L96368:
The standard does not prescribe the precedence between include lines and
macro definitions. As such, the effect of
is unspecified. To define a variable named <i>include</i>, either the
whitespace before the <equal-sign> should be removed, or another
macro should be used, as in
<pre>INCLUDE_NAME = include
On the other hand, if the intent is to include a file which starts with an
<equal-sign>, the makefile should be written as
include $(INCLUDE_FILE)</pre>
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel New Issue
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Name => Antoine Leca
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Section => make
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Page Number => 2928
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Line Number => 96368
Reported By: antoinel
Assigned To:
Project: 1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1
Issue ID: 866
Category: Shell and Utilities
Type: Enhancement Request
Severity: Editorial
Priority: normal
Status: New
Name: Antoine Leca
User Reference:
Section: make
Page Number: 2928
Line Number: 96368
Interp Status: ---
Final Accepted Text:
Date Submitted: 2014-08-12 09:43 UTC
Last Modified: 2014-08-12 09:43 UTC
Summary: No precedence between include lines and macro
The Standard does not prescribe an order of evaluation between include
lines and macro definitions. Furthermore, various implementations chose
distinct interpretations for
Given the low actual usefulness of such a construct, it does not seem
important to try to choose between interpretations (which would
automatically render the other half of the implementations theoretically
not conforming.) Rather, we could suggest workarounds to let applications
avoid the pitfall.
Desired Action:
Add a new paragraph to RATIONALE after P2928, L96368:
The standard does not prescribe the precedence between include lines and
macro definitions. As such, the effect of
is unspecified. To define a variable named <i>include</i>, either the
whitespace before the <equal-sign> should be removed, or another
macro should be used, as in
<pre>INCLUDE_NAME = include
On the other hand, if the intent is to include a file which starts with an
<equal-sign>, the makefile should be written as
include $(INCLUDE_FILE)</pre>
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel New Issue
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Name => Antoine Leca
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Section => make
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Page Number => 2928
2014-08-12 09:43 antoinel Line Number => 96368